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Free Web Accelerator Speeds Up Any Internet Connection

Surf the Web at Warp Speed

FREE DOWNLOAD - Get the MicroSurfer web accelerator and speed your Internet connection

MSNBC -- "...gives you the impression you’re getting to every Web site you want almost instantly."
Internet Computing -- "We were astounded at how much this speeded up the link retrieval process and we don't plan to go back to the traditional click, wait, and read method."
Newsweek -- "...surf the Web almost as if you had a T1 pipeline."

MicroSurfer is a free web accelerator that downloads the pages that you select in the background when your modem is normally idle. Drag links from any Web page and drop them into MicroSurfer to download the pages to your hard drive while you continue surfing. A color-coded download status tells you when a link is ready to be viewed. Click on any downloaded link in MicroSurfer and the page displays instantly in your browser.

Unlike other web accelerators, MicroSurfer puts you in control by letting you select the links you want to see next and then quietly downloads them for you in the background. You pick as many links as you want from a page and then visit each one immediately, without having to go back to the page where you found them. MicroSurfer can really speed up surfing through search results and portals -- anytime there is more than one link on a page that you want to visit.

"Surfing the Web is now my favorite thing to do thanks to MicroSurfer. I’m not sitting around waiting "forever" to see pages -- they come up in a flash. I use AOL and I can’t believe how fast it is now." - Patrick D., AOL User

"As a professional online researcher I rely on MicroSurfer day in and day out.   I've tried almost every web accelerator on the market and MicroSurfer is by far the best software I’ve found to speed up browsing. Anyone doing online research must have it." - Trish F., Internet Explorer 6 User

"Before I found MicroSurfer, surfing the web was a tedious activity.  Now I’m seeing more pages and having a lot more fun in the process. This is what surfing the web should have been all along.  I’m hooked!" - Bobby V., Internet Explorer 5 User

Try the MicroSurfer web accelerator free.   We know you'll agree that the MicroSurfer free web accelerator is a "must have" tool to speed up your Internet connection.  Click the link below and experience MicroSurfer for yourself. 

Download MicroSurfer now