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Surf search results from any search engine faster

Surf the Web at Warp Speed

If you use a search engine and review search results a lot, then MicroSurfer can help you surf faster.

Rather than clicking on one link at a time from search engine results pages and then waiting for a Web page to load and display in your browser, MicroSurfer lets you pick all the links you want from any Web page and then quietly downloads them to your hard disk, while you continue surfing.  Click on any downloaded link in MicroSurfer and the page displays in your browser almost instantly.

Unlike other browser accelerators, MicroSurfer puts you in control by letting you select the links you want to see next and then downloads them for you in the background. MicroSurfer’s straightforward list of downloaded links provides an immediate, easily understood history of your surfing activity. You can see at a glance where you’ve been, how you got there and where you’re going, and you can instantly return to any Web page with just a click of your mouse.


Take advantage of our FREE offer!

See for yourself how MicroSurfer helps you surf through search results from any search engine faster.  Take advantage of our free trial offer and try MicroSurfer free.  Click on the link below to learn more and you'll be surfing faster in minutes:

Click here to download MicroSurfer FREE and surf search results from any search engine faster